
How we have helped people, in their own words.


“Since I’ve started Gyrotonic with Tony I’ve seen huge improvements in my dancing. My movement is more controlled, longer, stronger, fuller and freer. Tony plans each session differently to accommodate the needs of each client. With this you see and feel improvement almost instantly. Tony Morales is amazing, and I recommend working with him to every Dancer and individual.”  

Christine Shevchenko~Principal Dancer
American Ballet Theater

“I recently started making sessions with Tony a part of my weekly routine. Since then, I have discovered new inner strength, length and control in my dancing. He personalizes each session to fit your individual needs. I cannot recommend Circular Power enough!”

Alexa Maxwell~Principal Dancer
New York City Ballet

“Love seeing the changes it has made to my body. Being a ballet dancer it has helped me use my instrument in a better way, improve flexibility, strength as well as keeping me from getting injured. I absolutely love my weekly sessions and love seeing the progress it has given me! I highly recommend Circular Power to anyone wanting to do Gyrotonic.”

Betsy McBride~Soloist
American Ballet Theater

“I’m so thankful for Tony! He’s a master gyro trainer who can work with great dancers or just regular me. He personalizes my workouts. I come away with more energy, I’m stronger, and I just feel better about myself because of him.” 
Anne Marie Macari~Poet

“Taking personal Gyrotonic sessions with Tony Morales is such a pleasure because he allows clients the freedom to embody the system without over correcting them and making the sessions about him. Clients are encouraged to take ownership of the work with very subtle direction always emphasizing that the joy of Gyrotonic is experiential not perfection.”

Mercia Harrison

“I started Gyrotonic at age 68 and have been doing it ever since with Mr. Morales. I am now in my 90’s. Gyrotonic has made my life more healthy and active in my Golden Years.” 
Doris Levin

“Wow! Gyro completely metamorphosed my body! As a figure skater it is very important for me to keep my joints and muscles healthy, strong, flexible and with a good range of motion. When I started gyro about 2 years ago, I was at a point where I had to almost completely stop skating; my left knee was hurting constantly (besides all kinds of minor pains) Tony Morales, Master Teacher, was like a savior to me. He was able to rebalance my body and ultimately got rid of the pain in my knee. Not only the pain is gone in my left knee but also my overall skating has improved immensely. I am more powerful, flexible and artistic. I have more awareness. Overall and have a stronger “core”. And I know that this Technique will forever keep my body strong and flexible to avoid any future injury! Thanks to Gyro and Tony!”
Michel M